MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

MiBo Eye Massage as a Long-term Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

People with dry eyes often find it hard to enjoy long-term relief. The condition causes itching, severe dryness, a gritty sensation, burning, and eye redness. The situation occurs due to inadequate tear production or poor-quality tears. Treatment for the diseases depends on the underlying cause. 


MiBo Thermoflo Treatment 


MiBo Thermoflo is an effective treatment for dry eye syndrome caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. The glands are responsible for producing meibum oil for the tear film. The oil keeps the tears from evaporating too fast. 


Clogging of the glands impacts tear production and causes eye dryness. The in-office treatment lasts 20 to 30 minutes and involves a device that helps unblock the tear ducts. It applies thermal heat to the eyelids, which melts the debris clogging the tear ducts. 


How MiBo Thermoflo Works 


The MiBo Thermoflo device releases 108 degrees of heat. When applied over the eyelids, it unclogs the glands, allowing the free oil to flow. Melting the hardened discharge provides quick and lasting relief from dry eye. 

The treatment is pain-free, and the heat does not injure the eyelid. Patients receiving the treatment report experiencing a relaxing and soothing massage sensation. The treatment does not require a recovery time and has no associated risks or side effects. It is an effective treatment for dry eye with a 98% satisfaction rate. 


What to Expect During MiBo Thermoflo


Before MiBo Thermoflo treatment, the doctor will ask you to remove your contact lenses and eye makeup. It ensures proper heat absorption in the area. The doctor will apply ultrasound gel to the MiBo pads on the section that will contact the eyelids. The pads apply mild pressure on the eyelids as they massage the eyes. 


Good Candidates for MiBo Thermoflo


If your tears fail to produce adequate eye lubrication, you may be a good candidate for MiBo Thermoflo. Tears are essential to keep the eye surface healthy and well-lubricated. If your eyes lack moisture, they feel tired and gritty. You may also experience light sensitivity. You may be a good candidate for the treatment if you experience itchiness and blurry vision due to dry eyes. 


Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)


The common cause of chronic dry eye is meibomian gland dysfunction, affecting about 86% of patients. An eye exam can determine if your condition is due to MGD. The disease occurs when the glands fail to produce enough oil to prevent quick tear evaporation. Artificial tears or eye drops can temporarily help, but most seek a long-term solution. 


Doctors may recommend steroids or antibiotics if the gland dysfunction is due to inflammation or infection. But if the cause is unclear, patients may benefit from heat therapy. Dry eye symptoms may begin as a mere inconvenience, but failing to treat the condition can lead to vision problems. Untreated dry eyes can lead to severe discomfort, blurry vision, and damage. 


For more solutions for chronic dry eye syndrome, call (805) 773-6000 for Advanced Eyecare Central Coast at our Pismo Beach, California office. 

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